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Class 4



In Literacy we have been learning about genres. We analysed a wide range of texts to discover the features of different genres, our favourite genre is adventure, although horror and fantasy came a close second! We re-wrote fairy tales and nursery rhymes with different genres, such as...

  • horror
  • mystery
  • adventure
  • comedy
  • sci fi
  • romance
  • fantasy
  • real life issues
  • crime thriller

We then acted out our stories to the rest of the class and we read them out at our school sharing assembly at Newbold Church.

Click here to read one of the stories we have written.




This term we have been looking at all the different aspects of our community from the local amenities, and the beliefs of the different religions in which we worship. Then we split into groups to study a different religion in depth, and we presented our slideshows to the class.




In class 4 we have also been doing about the Romans. We split into groups to create guide books as if we were visitors to ancient Roman Britain, we put important facts in them that you would need to know if you were a visitor to Roman Britain. We also researched what our local community would have been like in the Roman times and discovered we lived beside a Roman Road!

The whole school went on a trip to Cheworth Roman Villa, we got to see how the Roman's cured toothache, and we learnt that their technology was really quite advanced. They had running toilets, hot baths, medicine, aquaducts and even concrete!




As part of our work on materials we visited Jaguar Landrover Partnership Centre at Gaydon. First we revised the properties of different materials and then we went on a tour of the testing laboratories and the tear down department. Each group had the opportunity to test the materials on a real Range Rover, deciding which parts were made of steel and which were plastic or aluminium. We tested this by putting magnets all over the vehicle! It was a very exciting and interesting trip.