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Behaviour & Rewards



 Part of your child’s education is to teach them to consider carefully and sensitively the implications of their actions on others. All children and staff have the right to be happy at school and it is only when the children feel safe, confident and comfortable that effective learning occurs. We proactively teach the children acceptable ways to deal with their problems and to take great pride in their good manners and considerate behaviour to others.

 Positive behaviour in work and play, within a framework of simple rules, is expected and rewarded through positive reinforcement. Consistent, firm and fair sanctions are used to ensure clear messages are given when behaviour is unacceptable.

Every child can earn house points for positive behaviour, good attitude and high quality work.  These points are added to the totals for their particular house (Foxes, Frogs or Eagles) and a shield is awarded to the house with the highest total every half-term.  Children are also nominated to receive certificates or stickers in our achievement assembly if they have impressed their teacher or house captains throughout the week.

There may be times when you have concerns about your child’s relationships with others at school. We take your concerns very seriously, and have an active anti-bullying policy. Through good communication we work hard to ensure issues are resolved as early as possible and the well-being of all children is carefully monitored.

If at any time you have concerns, speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. We have an open policy and will tell you if your child has behaved unacceptably at school.