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Courageous Advocacy

Awareness Raising

The whole school is participating in the RSPB (Royal Society for the protection of Birds) ‘School Wild Challenge’, in which we carry out activities to support and protect our natural environment and take care of the creatures in our local habitat. The core aims are to both help and experience nature. 

Community Influencing

The school is a central part of the local community. Local residents are welcomed to take part in school events, and to come and share in celebrations. Invitations are extended to see the KS2 Summer Production, join our Macmillan Coffee Morning, and share events such as Remembrance Day with us in school. We are also due to visit the local care home to sing Christmas carols this coming December. 

Lifestyle changes

Children are encouraged to use reusable water bottles in school, so single use plastic bottles are a thing of the past. We have introduced a community recycling point at the front of the school, where pupils, staff, and the wider community can dispose of their waste responsibly (e.g. old batteries, bras, blister packs, bottle tops). Each class has an ‘eco-warrior’, who is responsible for ensuring no energy is necessarily wasted (e.g. making sure lights are switched off when rooms are not in use, nothing is left on charge needlessly) to try and reduce our carbon footprint and a whole school. 

Consumer Power

We work closely with the Fosse MAT to find more efficient and cost-effective resources for the school. 

Engaging with decision-makers 

After hearing of the atrocities in Ukraine, the children were determined to make a difference and do what they could to support those in need. By communicating with local charities and organisations, they collected several car loads of hygiene goods which were donated and transported to Ukraine.