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Wraparound Care

Welcome to the Clubs section of our website

In September you will be able to access the following wraparound care for your children

Breakfast Club - runs 8-9am every morning at both the Newbold and Tredington sites (£4.50 per hour including breakfast of cereal and toast
After school at Newbold - children may stay until 4pm with the nursery children. This must be pre booked (£3.50)
On a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we will run a provision for those children who need a longer school day. This will run from 3.30 - 5pm and will be a homework/board games club. It is only for children who need additional child care after 3.30pm and will cost £4.00 for the session.

On a Thursday and Friday Onside Coaching will run a multi-sports club that will run between 3.30 - 5pm.

I am sorry that we can’t offer the normal provision but we are working on increasing what we can offer.

If you want to take up the offer of provision on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday please email by Sunday 4pm to book your children in. 

If you want to take up provision on Thursday and Friday, then details about booking on through Onside Coaching’s website will be sent home in the next few days.

Please note that in order to accommodate the use of child care vouchers, school will invoice parents for the payment of all after school provision. You still need to book with Onside on a Thursday and Friday but no payment will be asked for from them.
The sessions will still be £6.

Contact admin for further details.