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How is maths delivered at Newbold and Tredington?

At Newbold and Tredington, all our teachers share a desire to instil an investigative and explorative approach to mathematics. We strive to motivate, develop and maintain childrens’ love of maths all the way through their school journey.

The delivery of maths at Newbold and Tredington is based on research and the pedagogies that underpin the ‘Five Big Ideas’ developed by Debbie Morgan (2012, ATM) for the Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programme (MaST) alongside developing the principles of Teaching for Mastering. These facilitate the delivery of the key aims of the 2014 National Curriculum: fluency, reasoning and problem solving.


Our principal aim is to continually develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding by encouraging them to make links between mathematical concepts in order to reason and problem solve effectively. This is achieved by designing a curriculum around:


Conceptual understanding - to provide children with the building blocks for developing skills to support deeper reasoning.

What this means - children develop understanding of mathematical concepts through exploration in pattern, representation and proportionality.


Fluency - to give children the knowledge and skills necessary to apply to a range of contexts.

What this means - children can fluently use procedures and manipulate number knowledge efficiently.


Reasoning - to give children the strategies, methods and resilience to reason about problems involving multiple concepts.

What this means - children persevere to reason with problems that develop mathematical thinking within a variety of contexts. They are able to confidently and independently represent their thinking through explanation of mathematical concepts.

Investigation - to secure deeper conceptual understanding through investigative approaches to problem solving.

What this means - children are able to approach an investigation independently and with curiosity. Children explore generality through observations and are able to make further conjectures to extend an investigation using convincing arguments based on solid conceptual understanding.


As a school, we will prepare our children for future challenges by becoming confident and resilient mathematicians.

Newbold and Tredington Primary School resolve to make mathematics fun, engaging and inclusive for all our pupils.