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Newbold and Tredington C of E Primary School & Day Nursery

Newbold and Tredington

C of E Primary School and Day Nursery

Creating a chance to SHINE everyday


Please take the time to read our School Policies. You may request, via the school office, a paper copy of our policies.

Many of our policies are now joint with Fosse MAT. Please use link to access this information.

  1. Accessibility Plan
  2. Admission Arrangements
  3. Admissions Policy 2025 - 2026
  4. Assessment Policy
  5. Attendance Policy
  6. Behaviour and Relationships Policy 2024 N&T Final
  7. Behaviour and Relationships Policy guide for parents
  8. Charging Policy
  9. CLA Policy
  10. Collective Worship Policy Updated
  11. Complaints Procedure Fosse MAT
  12. Curriculum Policy
  13. Data Protection Policy GDPR N&T
  14. Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour on School Premises Fosse MAT
  15. Early Years Foundation Policy
  16. Equality Objectives Fosse MAT
  17. English Policy
  18. Expected behaviour from parents and visitors to school 2023
  19. Gifts and Hospitality Policy
  20. Governor and School Visits Policy
  21. Health and Safety Policy Fosse MAT N&T
  22. Homework Policy
  23. Fosse MAT Home school communication
  24. Fosse MATInformation Security Policy
  25. Learning Outside the Classroom and Educational Visits_Policy
  26. Marking and Feedback Policy
  27. Mathematics Policy
  28. N&T PupilParent Privacy 2023-24
  29. Online Safety Policy
  30. Parental Use of Social Networking and Internet Sites Policy FOSSE
  31. Personal and Intimate Care Policy
  32. Phonics Policy
  33. Positive Handling and Restraint Policy
  34. Pupil Premium Policy
  35. Pupil Premium + Policy
  36. Race Equality Policy
  37. RE Policy
  38. Record Management and Retention Schedule
  39. Fosse MAT Retention Policy
  40. RPA Cyber Response Plan
  41. Safeguarding Information
  42. Safeguarding Policy Fosse MAT
  43. Safer Recruitment Policy December
  44. Fosse MAT SEND Policy
  45. SMSC Policy
  46. Social Media Policy
  47. Spiritual Development Policy
  48. SRE Policy Policy
  49. Staff Acceptable Use Policy
  50. Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy
  51. FOSSE MAT Staff Behaviour Policy -Code of Conduct.
  52. Behaviour and Relationships Policy guide for parents
  53. Fosse MAT Whistle blowing Policy